Fran Colangelo and Cam Corcoran are putting together a game that you will all want to see as you recover from your Christmas Day hangovers. Cam is running an Old Skinners team and Fran is managing a TWRFC All Stars and Guests.
We already have 2 competitive sides ready to play 30 mins each way kicking off at 11am and it will be played in the Barbarian spirit with lots of returning players, who we will be trying to entice back to the club, as well as Uni lads and some club stalwarts
What Fran and Cam need from you
1 – Your support on the day so we can fill the clubhouse post match
2 – Your support financially on the Boxing Day Draw £5.00 per ticket and the board is behind the bar
3 – Any support you can give re prizes for the draw – please contact Fran directly on or 07976 297812
If it is a success we will continue this as long as we can and get back to the great Boxing Day games of the past.
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