TWRFC Ltd AGM – 7.30pm on Monday 21st September 2020

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of TWRFCL will be held remotely via Zoom at 7.30pm on Monday 21st September 2020.

NOTES: Members will receive associated papers by email.  If you believe you are a member and have not received the papers please contact the Secretary*

Any member who wants to attend should send their contact details to the Secretary* by Monday 14thSeptember; joining instructions will be sent out on Friday 18th September.



  1. Welcome and Apologies.
    2. To approve the Minutes of the previous AGM held on 24 June 2019.
    3. To receive a report on the affairs of the Club since the previous AGM (to follow).
    4. To approve the Financial Statement for the 2019-20 financial year (to follow).
    5. To elect Officers and other Directors

Nominations by the outgoing Board:
President: Alan Skinner
Chairman: Mike Rigby
Secretary: Michelle Greenall
Treasurer: Don Bailey

Other Director(s): Roger Clarke, Stuart Montgomery, Andy Child, Laurence Taylor, Nick van Overstraeten

  1. Consideration of and, if thought fit, passing the attached Special Resolution to amend the TWRFCL Articles of Association
  2. To consider Any Other Business of which due notice has been given.
  3. Any other relevant matters for consideration by the Board.

Notes for members:

  1. Notice of any other business on which the AGM is being invited to vote must be received by the Secretary* by 11 September 2020
  2. Any nominations for a voting member to be elected as a Director must be in the attached format and received by the Secretary* by 11 September 2020
  3. Any member unable to attend the AGM may appoint a proxy using a formal Proxy Notice in the attached format, to be received by the Secretary* by 18 September 2020


(issued by authority of the Board on 2nd September 2020)


*Secretary: Michelle Greenall,

Full AGM Notice with Proxy and Nomination Forms can be downloaded here:

AGM 2020 Notice

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